Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Parents' Fun Night

A new page has been added to the Antelope Parent Boosters Home Page website dealing with the Parents' Fun Night. This site will hold documents and information for this great upcoming event. Thanks for all the support to everyone involved.

Go Titans!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Next Meeting

Good Morning all ...

Mark your calendars for next Wednesday (9/24). We will be having our next APB meeting at 7:00 in the AHS Library. A copy of the agenda has been added to our website for your reference. We hope to see you all there.

Thank you for your support!


New Agenda Page Added

A new page has been added to the Antelope Parent Boosters website. This page will hold our agendas for upcoming meetings. Let us know if you have any questions.

Go Titans!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Meeting Minutes Added

Meeting Minutes have been added to the Antelope Parent Boosters Home Page website.

Go Titans!!